The Website that is Better Than Aliexpress for Dropshipping

What Is Dropshipping?

The dropshipping business model is one in which the seller (you) does not keep products in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipping details to the supplier/manufacturer, who in turn will then ship the goods directly to the customer (s).

How Does Dropshipping Works?

You will list the products for sale either on your own website or a preferred e-commerce platform like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Bonanza, BigCommerce and much.
When a sale occurs you will notify your supplier/manufacturer, pay the supplier or manufacturer (which is a fraction of the price you sold the items for) and you will pay a small drop shipping fee to your suppliers too if this is in your agreement.
The supplier or the manufacturer will then package according to your instructions and ship the item (s) to your customer. Your customer(s) will never know the item he/she purchased was not directly sent to him/her by you. In this case, you don’t have any direct contact with this package as you simply act as a middleman between the supplier and your customer. However, you are responsible for communicating with the customer.

Who Is Dropshipping For?

Dropshipping is a convenient business model for any individual or groups of individuals interested in starting an online store and is particularly suited to people who are new to e-commerce with a little amount to spend and also to guide against buying inventory in large quantities that you are not sure it will sell. Not only that, you won’t have to look for a warehouse to keep your stock and the only money you need will be the amount for driving targeted traffic to your online store. This means there are less risk and expense for sellers, however, on the flip side your profit margins might be lower because you are likely to be paying the highest per-item costs of all the suppliers as you won’t be getting discounts for buying in bulk. Nevertheless, it is still good as you are not tying down your capital, looking for a warehouse to store your inventory, it is only that convenience comes at a cost. It is best for you to start with dropshipping and build your way up until you make enough profit to start buying in bulk or threading the private label route.
What to Look for in a Dropship Supplier/Manufacturer
There are different kinds of drop shippers that you must be wary of as some are true drop shippers that will process and ship a single item when you make a sale and this is the most convenient arrangement for a new dropshipping business. Whereas other suppliers require you to pre-purchase the products, pre-purchasing does not mean you need to receive and hold the items yourself as the drop shipper will still do all of that. This simply means that the next worth of inventory you have paid for will be automatically shipped out when a customer orders it. So when you are contacting a supplier make sure they offer the drop shipping arrangement that works best for you.

Where to Look for Dropshippers

Salehoo Directory

Salehoo provides easy access to more than 8000 trusted suppliers and you can filter those that are offering drop shipping services. On top of that, Salehoo will personally verify each and every supplier on its site to ensure that every product is authentic and legitimate. Here is a Youtube video link on how to use Salehoo directory to source for products and suppliers:
Salehoo Directory


Alibaba and Aliexpress are easy platforms to work with if you are a beginner and the great thing about Alibaba/Aliexpress is that they are free and have a good supplier rating system. However, unlike Salehoo, they will not give you information on what is hot, popular or trending and at the same time, you will have to deal with communication barriers, variable shipping costs and potentially fraudulent orders. You will also not be able to detect true and genuine suppliers from Alibaba/Aliexpress.

Other Directories

There are other online directories such as dropship direct, inventory source, Doba, e-sources and others where you can find dropship suppliers. You can also search through the search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc to look for dropship suppliers and manufacturers.

Which Dropshipper Site is Better than Aliexpress

I will say Salehoo is 95% better than Alibaba/Aliexpress and other drop shipping sites out there and has listed my reasons why Salehoo is the best option for you whether you are just starting out new or even an experienced e-commerce entrepreneur. Salehoo is all about helping aspiring entrepreneurs create their own online business. The site has tons of educational and training materials, where to source products to dropship, the best and hottest products that you can drop ship and make profits with. In addition, you can get help from their knowledgeable support staff with the opportunity to participate in their online forum. Furthermore, if you are unable to find a supplier on time, the support staff are available to help you in this area as you only need to submit your request and they will act on your behalf to give you suppliers for the product you want to dropship. This is why it is easy to understand that Salehoo is regarded as a trustworthy source for wholesale suppliers and drop shippers, Salehoo is the no. 1 go to platform for drop shipping. With their drop shipping platform, you will be able to get the best of both worlds in the wholesale/drop shipping worlds. Also, as a member, you will be able to use their buying power to leverage so that you can keep your costs low and prices high thus boosting your profit margins across the board while offering great products at the same time.

Salehoo is more than just a directory to find verified wholesale suppliers. There are several reasons why you will be satisfied with their membership and why I will not mind recommending it to the others, even though I just registered with Salehoo but can see immediately a lot of advantages and potentials to stick with Salehoo. Some of the reasons are their information and educational materials where you will be able to learn how to start an e-commerce, what is drop shipping, how to find suppliers/manufacturers, marketing resources, online forums to mention just a few. If you join their online newsletters you will always receive information that will help you to succeed, tips, strategies for online sellers, as well as their useful product sourcing tool called Salehoo Labs. With all this information I’m at peace with myself knowing that I am saving time doing research and also being guided into the right path by a team of successful online sellers who have already achieved success and made it before me, in fact, one of the partners of Salehoo is Mark Ling who has earned over $100 million in sales from drop shipping alone.

How Salehoo Works

When you are new into a business more especially like e-commerce you need the help of experts who have started just like you and have been able to build a thriving business. It is not easy to do it alone building e-commerce from scratch and I know what it is like to spend a fortune on merchants that never sell, whose products are inferior and had to deal with the nightmares that customer service can bring you. With Salehoo, you will have access to an unlimited amount of merchandise that you won’t have to worry about, sell whatever items you feel like selling and when you feel like. Not only that you have access to educational and training materials on top of marketing strategies that will enable you to generate quality traffic to your store.

What are the Benefits of Using Salehoo

As I said earlier, Salehoo gives you the best chance to boost your sales and your profits by giving you access to all of the leverage that they have as a major player in the wholesale and drop shipping world. All the manufacturers/suppliers they have on their website have been accessed and verified before being allowed to submit their details as a supplier/manufacturer. You get to connect with suppliers across every market including luxury goods such as electronics, sporting goods, much more and this means you will have access to the hottest merchants and best-selling products at a price that will give you good profit margins in the market, because the goods are of the highest quality buyers are prepared to pay at a premium. On top of that, you won’t have to worry about doing all of the legwork necessary to finding and vetting suppliers and vendors you can trust. This is not available for you when you use sites like Alibaba, Aliexpress and other drop shipping websites. Like I said earlier, each supplier is fully researched, vetted by their suppliers’ compliance team before they are allowed into Salehoo site so you will be able to move forward safely and comfortably with each of the suppliers without worrying about issues along the way.

You will also have the ability to utilize all of the tools and resources that Salehoo provides to help you build your online business as you will be provided with technology, tactics proven to help you find and sell the best products at that particular point in time. There is access to the analytics provided from all of their partners giving you an edge, advantage to find high margin options that you simply would not have been able to uncover doing it all by yourself. This is just the tip of the iceberg as you will find more useful information when you choose to give Salehoo a trial.

Is Salehoo Legitimate or just another Online Scam?

Salehoo is legitimate with top notch customer service, support and free business-building resources with some of the best tools and technology available for its members to use to build the kind of business that you have been dreaming of. Not only that one of the founders of Salehoo Mark Ling is well experienced, versatile in the business of e-commerce using drop shipping and has earned over $100 million in pure profits since he started the business of drop shipping, he will take you by the hand with its teeming support staff so that you can succeed too. It is a platform that gives its members an unfair advantage over those that chose to try and have a go all alone. The free e-training alone is worth thousands of dollars but is free and is just a small piece of the puzzle that you get as a free member. On top of that, the people behind the scenes has made the entire operation as transparent as it can be. Members are given every opportunity to assess everything about the platform internally and so you will always be able to see how people feel and how they are using the resources available to them on this platform. In addition, audits on vendors are conducted regularly to make sure that your supply channel (s) are always top notch and competitive, and you will always be able to leverage the significant buying power and the negotiation process as well. You will not see or enjoy any privileges like this on Alibaba, Aliexpress or other channels.
I also need to tell you that to make sure you are comfortable and feel at ease, is that you should do your own research with due diligence as there are so many tools that have been provided to help you judge the options available and you can also reach out to current members on the platform to ask for necessary advice and guidance.

Can you make money with Salehoo?

To be honest with you, this question will be best answered by you as you yourselves know what you are looking to gain with Salehoo. While I won’t say signing up and becoming a member is going to be the fast road to the easy street as far as financial freedom is concerned, nevertheless, it can help you to finally fulfil that dream of yours that you have dreamt of becoming sometimes ago. Note however that this is not a get rich quick scam, but is definitely going to require you to work hard, to be savvy and to be strategic about the kind of e-commerce operation that you want to run. While Salehoo has given you all the tools, the tech that you need to succeed, at the end of the day whether you are able to build the financial future of your dreams comes down to whether or not you are willing to put in all the hard work that it entails. Like I also said initially, you will need to do your research with due diligence before you dive right it. I think and feel that Salehoo platforms offer you the chance to boost your business like nothing else before and this is purely my own personal opinion.

Common Mistakes that Online Sellers Make

There are a few common mistakes that those who sell online more especially beginners and some experienced sellers make and the most important mistake in my own opinion is to avoid “clinging to only one Niche!”
You need to constantly test out different niches and see which ones perform very well and those that are worth your time. For the products and niches that perform very well, keep and double your effort on them, for those that did not work, swap it out and test new niches/products. This platform (Salehoo) allow this flexibility and I really value them for the flexibility it provides for sellers. It is easy to find hot selling products using their Labs tool and use their directory to find suppliers for the hot selling items.
Your utmost advantage using this website/directory in addition to starting with drop shipping as an alternative to an outright purchase of inventory is that you will be able to keep your overhead low as it is not labour and capital intensive as running a physical retail store. With a physical retail store, you will need to acquire an office (shop), stock up your products, hire and train staff, pay rent, even before you open your store to the public. If you go with wholesale purchases or private label at the beginning you will also need to spend some amount to buy goods which you are not sure that it will sell when you list it on your website or your preferred selling e-commerce platforms. Once you begin to record success you can then launch out to add other platforms like Amazon, Bigcommerce, Bonanza and much more. Once you have found a successful winning formula it is a matter of rinse, fine-tune and repeat.

I will be sharing with you my successes as I go along this route.

All the best.


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