
The Website that is Better Than Aliexpress for Dropshipping

What Is Dropshipping? The dropshipping business model is one in which the seller (you) does not keep products in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipping details to the supplier/manufacturer, who in turn will then ship the goods directly to the customer (s). How Does Dropshipping Works? You will list the products for sale either on your own website or a preferred e-commerce platform like Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Bonanza, BigCommerce and much. When a sale occurs you will notify your supplier/manufacturer, pay the supplier or manufacturer (which is a fraction of the price you sold the items for) and you will pay a small drop shipping fee to your suppliers too if this is in your agreement. The supplier or the manufacturer will then package according to your instructions and ship the item (s) to your customer. Your customer(s) will never know the item he/she purchased was not directly sent to him/her by you. In this case, you don’t have any direct contact with th

Tired of Ebay? Check This Top eBay Alternatives for Sellers

Are you really funk with eBay, or are you just looking into the vast world of selling websites to see what opportunities are out there? Your question at the moment is the top alternatives to eBay and the ones that will fit or suit your needs most.  It is true no one can deny the strength of eBay as this platform since 1995 has held its place as one of the most major marketplaces in the world as it has turned hundred of hobbyists into Powersellers and allowed thousands more to run profitable home businesses..  eBay has however evolved significantly in recent years and various policy changes have prompted a mass exodus from eBay as people or sellers are looking for other more profitable online marketplaces to sell their products/services. As it is commonly said, where there is a will there is also a way.  So below, I will be discussing/writing about other online marketplaces that compete very well with eBay or even better than eBay. The first on my list is Amazon. Amazon like eBay

How to Do Freelancing with Zero Skills and No Experience in 2019 and Beyond

I am sure you have heard the word “freelancing” or “freelancer” and you have been wondering what it really means.  In a simple word, a freelancer or freelancing is a term that is commonly used for a person who is self-employed and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer on a long-term.  Most people believe that to be a freelancer you must have some sort of skills to do this, but I’m here to prove to you that it is possible to become a freelancer with no special skills, experience or can I simply say with no skills whatsoever.  I will like to take a brief to explain better on how to do freelancing with no skills and with zero experience by taking a look at the following companies: Amazon Facebook Airbnb Alibaba and much more None of the above companies has any direct product/services of their own unless of course Amazon that has only Kindle products, nevertheless, Amazon is the owner of Amazon marketplace where it sells millions even not billions of it